What We Do
Objectives and Activities
- To develop and upgrade the level of the community to more advance standard of living in particular emphasis to most vulnerable
- To support and promote the livelihood of most vulnerable community and effected groups
- To achieve long-term self-reliant on basis of mutual interests
- To participate and the benefits of development
- To promote peace building among pastoral communities and build their capacity through different multiple approaches
- To participate pastoral community development services as well as humanitarian assistances
Activities/ Requirements of the Organization
- Health, Nutrition and Women and Child based Programs
- Food Security and Livelihood Programs
- Pastoral Peace building Programs
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotions
- Supporting of IDPs and Handicapped People
- Social Culture Improvements
- Natural Resource Conservation and Environmental Improvement Schemes
- Capacity Building
- Development of Local Forage and Crop Production
- Animal Health Services
- Livestock Market development
- Basic Alternative Education Development
- Disadvantaged, Orphan and Vulnerable groups Support Program