Organization for Pastoralist, Peace and Development (OPPD) is a nonprofit making grassroots organization and local established community-based organization, founded by group of committed professionals, volunteers and lovers of the better world.

Who We Are:

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Our Story

OPPD was established after survey was conducted by the founders, which the result has showed a large number of East Africa pastoral regions (Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya) are one of the most food insecure regions, with the large number of its population living at subsistence levels and dependent on food aid.  The pastoral areas have an extremely variable and low rainfall distributed bi-modally, where the average annual rainfall ranges from less than 200 mm to 700 mm. Due to the an erratic rainfall regimes in these range areas, there is a wide seasonal fluctuation in quantity and quality of vegetation which poses major problems to livestock production.

Our Programmes

Activities/ Requirements of the Organization

Pastoral Peace building Programs

Food Security and Livelihood Programs

Social Culture Improvements

Development of Local Forage and Crop Production

Supporting of IDPs and Handicapped People

Basic Alternative Education Development

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

Protection and safety Programs

Animal Health Services Programs


To bring about lasting positive solutions to address the poverty and sufferings of the poor people in East Africa Pastoral and Agro-pastoral regions through working with the most vulnerable people


Improving the livelihood of the poor communities in Pastoral and Agro-pastoral regions in East Africa by developing and implementing long-term, sustainable solutions mainly in rural areas…More..

Our objectives

OPPD is a non-profit organization that works with children, women, and dispossessed communities to improve education, health, and women’s empowerment…More..

Our Core Values